But what really goes to “the very core of our democracy” is the failure to deal with this issue – or pretty much any recent issue – with the sobriety and the seriousness that should accompany a question of war or peace. Just as Friedman and other “star” journalists failed to ask the necessary questions about Iraq’s WMD or to show professional skepticism in the face of U.S. propaganda campaigns around the conflicts in Libya, Syria or Ukraine, they have not demanded any actual evidence from the Obama administration for its lurid claims about Russian “hacking.”
My guess is that most of the world is just collapsing in laughter. Suppose all the charges are true, I mean every single one, it is so amateurish by US standards that you can hardly even laugh. What the US does is the kind of thing I described in Italy in 1948.
During the Syrian army’s offensive to retake the eastern part of Aleppo from the insurgent opposition, the Western media portrayed the assault as if Russia and Syria were carrying out a campaign primarily aimed at killing and harming civilians. The humanitarian crisis dominated headlines while key facts, such as Al Qaeda’s domination of the opposition forces and the way in which the militants had brutally conquered the city’s civilians, were marginalized or not reported at all. A similar military offensive being carried out by the U.S. and its allies in the Iraqi city of Mosul reveals the hypocritical nature of Western news outlets, which portray their own countries’ actions as targeting only Islamic State terrorists and scrupulously avoiding harm to civilians.
V nešťastném Fantozzim vidím bolestnou tragiku průměrného člověka moderní doby, zakleslého v soukolí systému, proti kterému se nedovede vzbouřit. A tak jediné, co může ten nebožák dělat, je zkoušet zapadnout. Jeho marná snaha je zdrojem komiky, ale zároveň strašlivého smutku. Stačí si uvědomit, že jsme možná všichni víc Fantozzi, než si vůbec dovedeme připustit.
The 62 richest people in the world own as much wealth as half of humanity. Such extreme wealth conjures images of both fat cats and deserving entrepreneurs. So where did so much money come from? It turns out, three-fourths of extreme wealth in the US falls on the fat cat side.
Při hodnocení aktivit cizích států vůči České republice stačí jednoduché cvičení – ohrožují americké kulturní aktivity některý z českých národních bezpečnostních zájmů? Ne, tudíž nejsou hodnoceny jako nepřátelské. Ohrožují ruské snahy zpravodajsky infiltrovat české politické a bezpečnostní instituce nějaký český zájem? Ano, například jeden z životně důležitých – „politickou nezávislost“.
Ivo Šebestík ve své eseji ukazuje na to, že Evropané se už dlouho a napříč staletími snaží poněkud manicky vyvážet svoje hodnoty. Jenže jejich univerzální platnost i uplatnění mělo vždy nějaký ten „háček“.
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) models, which have played such an important role in modern discussions of macroeconomics, in my judgment fail to serve the functions
which a well-designed macroeconomic model should perform. The most important challenge facing any macro-model is to provide insights into the deep downturns that have occurred repeatedly and what should be done in response.