Lidé, kteří toto tvrdí, nás chtějí přesvědčit, že Rusko vyklidilo své pozice ve střední a východní Evropě jenom proto, aby je pak podstatně slabší a osamocenější začalo zase jen tak pro imperiální zábavu dobývat.
The causes and consequences of rising inequality have stirred a lively debate on appropriate policy responses. This column reviews how governments have successfully used fiscal policy to address distributive concerns.
Poslední kniha sociologa Jana Kellera přináší nelichotivou analýzu současné společnosti, kterou charakterizuje všudypřítomná nejistota na jedné straně a bezstarostné snění o lepších světech na straně druhé. Příčiny obecné bezradnosti autor nachází v odkazu postmoderny, ale také v dědictví revolty osmašedesátého roku.
In addition to having municipalities receive lower returns on their loans around the time of the financial crisis, it appears that US home buyers may have been scammed out of nearly a half-trillion Dollars on overpriced mortgage payments:
First, when debt rises faster than economic output (as it has been doing in recent years), higher government debt implies more state interference in the economy and higher taxes in the future. Second, debt must be rolled over at regular intervals.
In his article Economics of Shortage (1980), János Kornai argued that the chronic shortages seen throughout Central and Eastern Europe in the late 1970s (and which continued during the 1980s) were not the consequences of planners‘ errors or the wrong prices, but rather systemic flaws.
Already a fourth of the adults actually employed in the US are paid wages lower than would lift them above the official poverty line – and so a fifth of American children live in poverty.
The Dual Revolution was a term first coined by Eric Hobsbawm. It refers specifically to the time period between 1789 and 1848 in which the political and ideological changes of the French Revolution fused with and reinforced the technological and economic changes of the Industrial Revolution.